If you’re like many people, you probably wake up to a long yawn and habitual stretch. If you fall into this category, that’s a good thing. Our bodies often gives us automatic signs of the things we should do to stay healthy and stretching is one of them. When it comes to your workout, here […]

If you have a busy lifestyle, it can be hard to squeeze in time to go to the gym. However, you shouldn’t let that stop you from getting in some daily exercise. As an alternative, you can save time (and money) doing your workouts from home. Here are 4 great exercises that can help you build […]

An aggressive training session can be tolling on your body, especially if you’re lifting weights or doing advanced exercises that your body isn’t used to. However, you shouldn’t let a little soreness stop you from continuing to work hard. Here are 3 tips to deal with post workout soreness: Use a Foam Roller to breakup tightness […]

Weight loss isn’t as complicated as you think. A combination of the proper nutrition, exercise, and a dose of discipline can get you well on your way to reaching your fitness goals. Here are 3 proven tips that can help you shed the extra pounds: Drink water before each meal. Drinking 8 ounces of water can […]

If you’ve been grocery shopping, you may have noticed certain foods labeled “No GMO.” Because most foods with this label are in the “healthy food” section, most people associate non GMO foods as a better alternative, which is mainly true, but here’s the full scoop on GMOs: What is GMO? According to Non GMO Project: […]

Following the birth of my 3rd child, I acquired a bad case of cellulite. The front of my thighs and back of my legs were full of dimples and my legs looked a little disfigured. For awhile, I thought that the damage was done and I’d have to live with my “droopy” legs. However, strength […]

Eating too many carbs can stall your weight loss progress, however, there ARE healthy carbs that can actually HELP you lose weight. Here are some options to add to the menu: Whole Wheat Pasta: this type of pasta offers three times more fiber than refined white varieties. The added fiber aids with digestion, helps prevent bloat and makes […]

Who would’ve thought that being still can actually HELP you lose weight? No, I don’t mean sitting on the sofa and being a couch potato, I’m talking about giving your body time to rest and recover from workouts. A proper night’s rest can also help prevent overeating throughout the day. According to Women’s Health, here […]

If you wake up the next morning after a big cheat meal and look like you’re 5 months pregnant, more than likely you’re experiencing water retention from the extra sodium and carbs that are in most cheat meals. Before you start to worry, be encouraged that getting rid of the extra water weight will have you […]

Every now and then, it is okay to enjoy foods that may not necessarily fall within your diet plan. However, it is important that you don’t overindulge and ruin your progress. It’s also important to know what to expect following the extra calorie overload. Water Weight – Because most “cheat meals” are full of sodium and […]

Stress can be tolling both mentally AND physically. While most associate weight gain with overeating, stress is also a culprit when it comes to packing on extra pounds. Multiple studies have proven the relationship between stress and weight gain. When you’re experiencing high levels of stress, your body produces more cortisol, a hormone linked to increased appetite, […]

Maximize your caloric burn ALL day by following these tips to boost your metabolism first thing in the morning: Exercise: Studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning burn more calories than those who exercise at other times of the day. EAT: Skipping breakfast may seem like it’s saving you a few calories but it […]