Majic ATL Featured Video
Oatmeal and fruit

Source: Brian Leatart / Getty

Often times, the most complicated part of a fitness program is not exercise, but diet. Knowing how to properly fuel your body to maximize energy and fat burning potential during a workout it SUPER important. Generally speaking, your pre-workout meal should happen 1-2 hours before you plan to exercise. You should focus on consuming slow digesting (low glycemic) carbs that will give you lasting energy. For the most part, 20-40 grams of complex carbs should do the trick, but it isn’t a bad idea to have an energy drink with electrolytes or BCAAS (branch chain amino acids) handy in case you get low on fuel. The more you try different food options, the better you’ll be able to figure out what works best for you.

For more important things you should do before your workout, check out THIS helpful article at