“Every struggle is designed to strengthen you!” – Author Unknown Challenges don’t exist to discourage but to test how bad you want something. Don’t let one small obstacle keep you from your dream. Remember, you’re only guaranteed to fail if you quit.

If you’re working out and eating clean but still have a bulge in your belly, don’t be so quick to blame your body fat. More than likely, the REAL culprit is bloat. There are many causes for bloating including overeating, eating too fast, and consuming foods that cause bloating like artificial sweeteners, and dairy products. Although a […]

When you stretch the truth, watch out for the snapback. ~Bill Copeland It may seem cliche but honesty IS the best policy. Being truthful with yourself and others is not only a requirement for success, it’s also necessary for inner peace. No matter how fast you are, you cannot outrun a lie and it will ultimately […]

Seek first to understand then to be understood. – Author Unknown A peaceful resolution often requires some type of compromise. Don’t be so stubborn that you allow your pride to ruin a good relationship. Before you judge, put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand their point of view.

“Positive thoughts produce progress.” – Anon Faith is the fuel that will take you to the finish line while doubt will only build a wall between you and your dream. Remember, believing in yourself is the first step to success, so do your best to be optimistic. If you stay positive, good things and good […]

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. ~Will Rogers Success not only requires a positive attitude, it also requires action. Don’t allow yourself to get comfortable. Remember, doers will always achieve more than dreamers. Instead of just contemplating on your next move, make it!

Your focus determines your reality – Author Unknown Every thought is a seed with the potential to grow into your reality. When your thoughts are positive, your life will produce the same. To elevate your life, you must start by elevating your mind. Remember, your focus determines your reality. Always give your attention to a […]

“Don’t let your struggle become your identity.” – Author Unknown Adversity can have a negative impact on your self confidence. However, obstacles exist to make you BETTER not bitter. Remember, stars shine brightest in the dark. Every struggle is designed to strengthen you!

“Success requires confidence.” – Anon Sometimes it can be scary to want something because of fear the thing you want is unattainable. But in order to be successful, you have to believe in yourself. Remember, with doubt comes delay. Success requires confidence!

“Mistakes are forgivable if you have the courage to admit them.” – Bruce Lee Acknowledging what you’ve done wrong is the first step to healing. Remember, pride prevents progress. Don’t let your ego get in the way of your growth.

“One man’s opinion does not have to become your reality” – Les Brown Unfortunately, not everyone will support you but don’t let naysayers distract you from your dream. Instead of giving your attention to people who are trying to bring you down, focus your attention on those who encourage and lift you higher.

You don’t have to lose time losing weight. As a matter of fact, you can burn more fat in less time doing High Intensity Interval Training (also known as HIIT). HIIT is considered to be much more effective than normal cardio because the intensity is higher and you are able to increase both your aerobic […]