So, ever since I decided to get serious about fitness, more fitness inspired posts have popped up on my Instagram explorer page. If you know me, I believe in “the law of attraction,” and feel that we are all drawn to things, people, experiences and circumstances that are related to goals we set for ourselves. […]

“Turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones.” – M.T.Collins A mistake is ONLY a mistake if you learn nothing from it. Sometimes the hardest part about moving forward is not looking back but progress requires you to focus on what’s in front of you, NOT the past. Instead of dwelling on your past mistakes, use […]

Many women AND men alike desire to have a flatter midsection. Unfortunately, a lot of folks believe in the myth that doing a bunch of crunches (ab exercises), will ensure a six pack. Although exercise plays a role in slimming your waistline, the biggest factor is what you EAT! Check out Maria More Dot Com […]

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch Often times people reject change because the transition is uncomfortable. However, in order to grow you have to push your limits and adapt to changing environments. Don’t let fear or complacency stop you from experiencing MORE in life. Remember, all the magic […]

“Sometimes things fall apart so thing can fall together.” – M.Monroe If you lose something good from your life (whether a relationship, job or anything in between), don’t be discouraged because often times, things go to make room for something better. Instead of dwelling on what was lost, be optimistic and prepare yourself for a bigger blessing!

Just a few ingredients and about 5 minutes is all you need to create a delicious and healthy Shrimp Avocado Salad. Recipe and prep courtesy of Total Fitness Revolution Ingredients Cilantro Dressing/Marinade 3 Tbsp fresh Lime Juice 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil ½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped 1/8 tsp fresh cracked Pepper, to taste […]

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theodore Roosevelt Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time because our differences are what make us special. Instead of wishing for what someone else has, use their success as motivation to achieve YOUR dreams. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. The only person you should try to […]

For the most part, people who are sedentary (limited physical activity) can lose weight FAST because the calorie adjustment and extra physical activity will be somewhat of a “shock” to their body. However, your body is smart and will begin to adjust to the added exercise and limited caloric intake which may lead to a […]

“Your attitude determines your altitude.” – Author Unknown Sometimes the only thing that blacks opportunity is a bad attitude. Remember, attitude is a small things that makes a big difference. Your optimism determines your distance so if you want to go far, be positive and fix your attitude! Connect with me and read more motivational messages at […]

Grab a friend and try these partner exercises the next time you’re in the gym!

“If you’re tired of starting over then stop giving up.” – Author Unknown Remember, the things that come easy don’t last and the things that last don’t come easy. Success requires you to hold on, even when times get tough. If you truly want to reach your goal, stop throwing in the towel. Instead, pick […]

“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” – Author Unknown Every struggle is designed to strengthen you and when things get tough, that’s often a sign that you’re growing AND getting closer to your goal. Don’t give up. Remember, all the magic happens outside of your comfort zone.