If you’re trying to lose weight but don’t want to give up ALL the foods you love, “flexible dieting” might be a great approach for you. Flexible dieting is an approach that focuses on consumption of the right mix of macro nutrients (fats, carbs, protein) to achieve specific body composition goals. Click HERE to learn […]

You can run until your hair turns gray but if you don’t eat properly, you’ll be stuck with stubborn fat. While exercise is an important part of a weight loss program, what you EAT is what matters the most. We are all different, live diverse lifestyles and have a wide range of nutritional needs. Knowing what […]

So, ever since I decided to get serious about fitness, more fitness inspired posts have popped up on my Instagram explorer page. If you know me, I believe in “the law of attraction,” and feel that we are all drawn to things, people, experiences and circumstances that are related to goals we set for ourselves. […]

We’re all different and reaching certain fitness goals requires variations in exercise and nutrition. One great method to consider is “flexible dieting.” Flexible dieting focuses on the amount of macronutrients your body needs to lose, maintain or gain weight. Macronutrients are made up of carbohydrates, fats and protein. Flexible dieting utilizes a unique formula that […]