After an intense workout, it is common for people to experience muscle soreness, especially if you’re new to exercising. However, “waiting” for the pain to go away may not be the best answer. In fact, some doctors recommend that you continue your exercise program to help bring fresh oxygen and nutrients to the injury site. According […]

When it comes to setting fitness goals, it is important to be specific. Why? Because specific goals are typically easier to measure and allow you to track your progress. According to Fitness Expert, Obi ObadIke, good fitness goals are: Specific Quantifiable Achievable Realistic Time-Sensitive So, instead of just saying: “I want to get fit,” be […]

You know the old saying: “if you fail to plan then you plan to fail.” This holds true when it comes to weight loss goals. One of the most important steps in your fitness journey is having a game plan. In terms of exercise, you should aim for a minimum of 30 active minutes per […]

Spring is here! Many of us use this time to sort through our homes, purge unwanted items and just get some good cleaning done. Well, if you are trying to drop a few pounds, here’s some good news. Those extra chores around the house can give you a good burn. According to SHAPE, here’s a list […]

Metabolism: that magical word that is so often accompanied with conversations about weight loss. In simple terms, metabolism is the sum of everything your body does. The faster your metabolism runs, the more calories you burn. The more you burn, the easier it is to lose weight. While some folks think they are doomed to […]

There’s no doubt that exercise can help you look good but more importantly, exercise makes you FEEL good. Exercise helps prevent and improve a number of health problems including high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity, it can also help reduce anxiety, an improve mood. Here’s what Web MD has to say about the psychological benefits of […]

The right foods can make you feel good on the inside AND look good on the outside. Unfortunately, there are also foods that can change your appearance in a negative way. Let’s start with the good, according to, here are some great foods that can benefit your skin: Butternut Squash British researchers found that an increased […]

An apple cider vinegar detox is a great way to jump start your weight loss. This detox can help with clearing your skin and boosting your energy. Get the recipe HERE

If your sweet tooth is causing you to pack on the extra pounds, here are some tips to help curve the cravings. Check out this insightful article from Body Ecology that explains why we crave sugar, and how it can be as addictive as cocaine. Also learn how to satisfy your sweet tooth naturally and […]

When it comes to weight loss, there’s no “one size fits all.” Everyone lives a unique lifestyle and we each require a different amount of calories to help reach our fitness goals. Whether you want to lose, maintain or even gain weight, using a macronutrient calculator can help you maximize your results because it takes […]

From adding more protein to your diet to making sure you stay active, there are many strategies that you can use to rid yourself of that stubborn belly fat. Check out these helpful tips from to get on the road to a flatter tummy.

Achieving your weight loss goals has a lot to do with strategy. As you try different methods, you’ll learn how your body responds to certain foods and types of exercises. However, there are some general guidelines you should follow to maximize your fat loss. Check out these great tips on how properly timing your meals and […]