Fat loss requires the right combination of diet and exercise. It is also helpful to know WHEN to eat certain foods to ensure you are burning everything you eat as fuel. Carbohydrates are your body’s preferred source of fuel, but to lose weight, you must time your consumption of carbs properly. Here are the 3 […]

Don’t let a bad moment turn into a bad day. ~Author Unknown When you fall, you have to decide between staying down or getting up and moving forward. Your choice will determine your outcome. Remember, success has nothing to do with how you fall but how you RESPOND after the fall. Don’t let a bad moment turn […]

Exercising is a great way to lose weight but you’ll make more progress by making sure you are getting the proper nutrients in your diet. Healthy FATS are important for everyone to consume. Although the term “fat” is often interpreted as a negative, there are many “healthy” fats that can actually help you lose weight. […]

“Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin Progress requires action. Having a dream is a great start but you won’t achieve your goal until you DO the work.

From adding a day of cardio to eating more protein, there are a variety of ways to break through a fitness plateau. If you’ve been working hard and staying disciplined with your eating habits but feel stuck, try these tips to start seeing progress again: Eat more protein and healthy fats: Not only does protein help […]

It’s FIT FRIDAY! here’s a great way to exercise outdoors and spend some quality time with your little one. (My daughter weighs 38 pounds, strength training for me, fun for her…lol!)  

“Failure is a part of life, Success is learning from it.” – Hurricane Dave Remember, every set back is a set up for something even better. So don’t be discouraged when things get hard. Instead, focus on continuing to move forward!  

There was a time when I would literally gain weight if I even LOOKED at a doughnut, but today (and after years of learning my body and creating healthy eating habits), I am able to enjoy the foods I love without packing on the extra pounds. My secret? I naturally boosted my metabolism, burning more […]

“Never give up on something you really want.” – Anon Remember, failure doesn’t come from falling down, it comes from not getting up. You will be challenged, you will be tested, you may even get discouraged from time to time but always find hope in knowing that your time WILL come, as long as you […]

Success at anything requires focus and discipline, this is especially true when it comes to developing healthy eating habits. Here are 5 ways to help you grow towards a healthier lifestyle: Always eat breakfast: Eating a balanced breakfast within 30-60 minutes after waking up helps start your metabolism for the day. It can also prevent […]

“One man’s opinion does not have to become your reality.” – Les Brown Don’t let negative opinions distract you from your greatness. Remember, self-confidence is the key to success because in order to accomplish anything, you must first BELIEVE that you can.

There’s no doubt that exercise is important for weight loss but taking a break is also important, especially when it comes to building muscle. Many people think that the “magic” happens when you’re lifting weights or exercising intensely, however, your muscles actually grow when you’re resting. From Self.com: “You always have to remember that when you’re working […]