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In order to attract the things you want, you must first be grateful for the things you have. Success requires an attitude of gratitude.

Who would’ve thought you could get lean eating potato chips? However, it’s all about “strategy.” Check out this article on the AJC on how cheat meals can help you lose weight.  

“Never hope for it more than you work for it.” – Author Unknown Motivation is a great start but success requires hard work. Don’t just dream, DO! Action is what gives your dream wings. Never hope for it more than you work for it!

Feeling down about that bulge in your belly? If you’ve been eating healthy and exercising regularly but still have a little gut, you may just be experiencing a little belly bloat. Here’s a few suggestions to help deflate your midsection and feel like yourself again: 1. Drink some peppermint tea. Peppermint is great for soothing churning stomachs […]

“Worrying gives power to the things you fear.” – M.T.Collins Remember, what you focus on, grows and if you are constantly dwelling on the negative, you’ll eventually attract it into your life. Don’t waste energy worrying about things that haven’t happened. Instead, give your attention to a positive outcome.

Diets promising dramatic weight loss over a short period of time usually deliver on their promise, but don’t get too excited because you’re probably just losing “water weight.” Conversely, if you experience a spike on the scale in a short period of time, you shouldn’t worry too much because more than likely, you’ve simply gained […]

“Change leads to growth.” – Anon Remember, if you keep doing the same things you’ll keep getting the same results. How will you ever know what you are capable of if you don’t embrace the unknown? Don’t be afraid to try new things. Instead, be open to new experiences because they can lead to new […]

Nutrition is the foundation for a successful weight loss program. What you eat will determine how you feel and how you look. Not only should you have a balanced diet with healthy sources of carbs, fats and proteins, you should also make sure you are eating certain foods and the right time of day. As […]

“Failure is a bruise, NOT a tattoo.” – Jon Sinclair Remember, mistakes don’t define you but how you overcome them does. It’s okay to fall down, but it’s not okay to STAY down. Don’t let temporary defeat keep you from you dream.

Not only does exercise help you look good, it also makes you FEEL good. Being physically active helps boost hormones that promote feelings of happiness. Exercise also helps keep you develop a positive attitude and more optimistic outlook on life overall. Here are 3 additional ways exercise can improve your self-esteem: Exercise makes you stronger. When you […]

“Progress requires perseverance.” – Anon Remember, every struggle is designed to strengthen you!

Your mental health is that foundation for how well you will progress physically. In addition to making sure your nutrition and exercise goals are in order, it is important to do things that will improve your mental health as well. From reading to meditation, there are a number of ways you can give yourself a […]