Contrary to the standard “eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day,” not everyone has the same water needs. In fact, the amount of water you drink should be based on your weight and activity level. Learn how to calculate the right amount of water for YOU here.

Most of us are guilty of giving in to the occasional “cheat meal” and many of us have taken it overboard. If you’ve been a victim of binge eating, don’t let that “food baby” discourage you from getting back on track. From drinking LOTS of water, sipping on green tea and upping your cardio, there […]

Knowing and having a fitness goal is the first step to achieving it. However, if your goal is really big, it can be discouraging when you don’t make progress as fast as you’d like. This is why it is important to set short term fitness goals. The benefit of a short term goal is it […]

The last thing you probably want to think about while on vacation is food restrictions. On the other hand, if you’ve been successful at losing weight, I’m sure you don’t want to ruin your progress. Well, you can still enjoy your vacation and all the good food that comes along with it IF you have […]

Building muscle and burning fat simultaneously is difficult because gaining mass requires you to eat more and losing fat requires you to eat less. However, there is a new approach that is gaining popularity and has been proven to be effective at burning fat and building muscle at the same time. It’s called Carb Cycling. From […]

Tired of lugging a gallon of water with you all day? This is how I track my water intake while I’m at work. I aim for one 12 ounce cup per hour. My shift is 10am-3pm. After I drink one cup, I write the time I finished and fill it back up again. 60 ounces […]

Considered by many as the “father of modern day medicine,” Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) dates back to 400 B.C. and provides dozens of health benefits including. Here are just a few ways that ACV can specifically help you reach your fitness goals:  

Not only is water necessary for hydration and overall survival, it can also be a great aid in helping you lose stubborn belly fat. When combined with diet, exercise and a few lifestyle changes, upping your water intake can really help shrink your mid section. Here’s a step by step example of how you can […]

Despite popular belief, carbs are NOT the enemy. However, you have to be strategic when you eat your carbs if your goal is to lose weight. When it comes to carbohydrate consumption, it’s all about timing. According to many fitness and health experts, the best time to eat carbs is during breakfast (first thing in […]

The power to help cure your high blood pressure could be as simple as the foods you eat. From reducing your sodium intake to adding lean fish and fruits that provide powerful antioxidants, HERE is a list of foods that can help lower blood pressure naturally (along with their health benefits).

Although there are many methods to lose weight fast, it is best to shed pounds at a slow and steady pace, especially if you want to keep it off. From limiting your sugar intake to burning an extra 200 calories per day, there are many effective methods to shed weight without risking your health. According to […]

Summer is officially here and if you didn’t get a head start on your Summer body, you can still see some pretty significant improvements in your physique IF you start working NOW! If you want to look great in those Summer vacation photos, try THIS 4-week program to a flatter stomach