To listen to Steve's inspirational message on second chances, continue reading.

Read this Strawberry Letter about a 32 year old counselor dating an 18 year old student, then give us your opinion.

Listen to Steve Harvey's Inspirational Message. Today, he tells us to "leave trash behind in 09."

Read today's Strawberry Letter about a man who recently tested HIV positive, and his partner was aware she was HIV positive the entire relationship. Get tested.

Listen to Steve Harvey's Inspirational Message. Today, he encourages us to not refuse to try.

Read today's Strawberry Letter about a woman in love with her professional friend. Read more for details and to listen to Steve Harvey and Shirley Strawberry's response.

Listen to Steve Harvey's Inspirational Message. Today, he encourages us to go to God our creator for the answer, not man.

Read today's Strawberry Letter about a man who has been keeping a dark secret from his wife for 12 years, then listen to Steve Harvey and Shirley Strawberry's response.

Listen to Steve Harvey's Inspirational Message today.

Listen to Steve Harvey's Inspirational Message. Today, he advises us to start a relationship with God and to nurture the relationship.

For some inspiration and motivation, listen to <strong>Steve Harvey's Inspirational Message</strong> of the day.<!--more-->

Read and listen to the response from <strong>Shirley Strawberry</strong> and <strong>Steve Harvey</strong> regarding today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong>, and give us your opinion.<!--more-->