From creating a reward system to scheduling exercise, check out these 3 ways to get your kids more active. Read more HERE.

Optimism is a happiness magnet. – Author Unknown Remember, you attract the things, people experiences that are aligned with your most dominant thoughts. This is why it is so important to remain positive, even when facing adversity. Your attitude often determines your outcome, so so your best to stay optimistic!

If you’ve been trying to lose weight but just can’t stop eating, you may need to determine if you need help that goes beyond diet and exercise. Check out THESE SIGNS of food addiction to see if you may need professional help.

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – A.Exupery To waste time just contemplating about what you are going to do. Instead, create a plan and put some action behind it to turn your dreams into reality.

“Do not complain about what you permit.” – Unknown Author Remember, outcomes are greatly determined by the choices you make. One of the foundations of success is being honest with yourself. Don’t get caught up making excuses for your behavior. Instead, OWN your choices and do your best to put forth your very best effort […]

Who would’ve thought that catching your zzz’s can help you LOSE weight?! Well it’s true! Click HERE for the specifics!

The past should be used as a reference, not as a residence. Learn from your mistakes and move on. – Anon

“You don’t get what you wish for, you get what you WORK for.” – Author Unknown Being inspired or having a good idea is awesome but you must take action and put in the WORK to see your dream transform into reality. Don’t just wish for what you want, WORK for it!

As the temperatures rise, it becomes even more important that you practice the proper precautions to avoid any heat related illnesses while you exercise. Here are a few things to consider when training in the Summer heat: 1) Hydration: Exercising in higher temperatures will cause you to sweat more than you normally would. Be sure to […]

If you have fitness goals but tend to fall off on the weekends, check out THESE TIPS on preventing weekend weight gain.

“Forgiveness doesn’t excuse unkind behavior but it does prevent that behavior from destroying your heart.” – Anon

“Patience is the companion of wisdom.” – Author Unknown Not only is patience required for success, it also helps you develop the calm attitude needed to properly address obstacles that may come your way. Remember, rushing can ruin a good thing…patience is the companion of wisdom.