While most people set a goal to “lose weight” what they “really” mean is they want to BURN FAT. Not all weight loss is good weight loss, as a matter of fact, if you exercise and cut your calories by too much, you may end up losing hard earned muscle. Here are a few tips […]

Fat loss requires the right combination of diet and exercise. It is also helpful to know WHEN to eat certain foods to ensure you are burning everything you eat as fuel. Carbohydrates are your body’s preferred source of fuel, but to lose weight, you must time your consumption of carbs properly. Here are the 3 […]

Achieving your weight loss goals has a lot to do with strategy. As you try different methods, you’ll learn how your body responds to certain foods and types of exercises. However, there are some general guidelines you should follow to maximize your fat loss. Check out these great tips on how properly timing your meals and […]

Not only will overeating cause weight gain, stress will too! Resting your mind and keeping your emotions in tact are important for not only your mental/spiritual health but also your physical health. Health.com recommends the following methods to beat stress-induced weight gain: Choose your fats wisely. If stress causes your body to burn less of the […]

When it comes to losing weight, carbs are often seen in a bad light. However, you don’t have to deprive yourself of carbohydrates to lose weight. As a matter of fact, strategically timing WHEN you eat your carbs can actually help with burning more fat. According to bodybuilding.com, the best time to eat carbs are […]

You may have heard a familiar saying among fitness enthusiasts: “You can’t out train a bad diet.” Well, “technically” you “could” work out for hours and hours and burn any extra calories you may have consumed but is that what you REALLY want to do? You see, your body is designed to burn what it […]