French fries, pizza, cookies….a “good thing?” It all depends. Click HERE to read more on how to make a “treat meal” work FOR you, not against you.

Believe it or not, you don’t have to limit your diet to kale and quinoa to get fit. In fact, you can still enjoy the foods you love, WITH the right strategy! Learn more about the “do’s and don’ts” of having a cheat meal HERE.

From planning ahead of time to getting in a good workout, there are many strategies that can allow you to enjoy a delicious “cheat” meal without gaining weight. In fact, if you plan properly, you can still lose weight…read more HERE.

Don’t let a cheat meal set you back! If you don’t choose wisely, you could lose the progress you’ve made on your fitness journey. In order to prevent that from happening, the key is to PLAN. Check out this list of smarter ways to plan your cheat meal.

Who would’ve thought you could get lean eating potato chips? However, it’s all about “strategy.” Check out this article on the AJC on how cheat meals can help you lose weight.  

Having a weekly “cheat meal” is a helpful way to satisfy cravings and give yourself a mental break from being on a restrictive diet. IF you strategically plan your cheats, you’ll be able to maintain your progress. Here’s a few ways to “cheat” smarter: Pick a meal that will let you indulge without going overboard, like […]

So, you’ve been on your best behavior all week, sticking to your meal plan and even seeing some weight loss progress. However, you’re ready to indulge and have that slice of pizza you’ve been craving all week. Well, if you’re smart, you can have a cheat meal without ruining your fitness progress. HERE are 16 […]

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may have figured out the the weekends are a true test of discipline because that’s usually the time most of the “cheating” takes place. However, there are things you can do on a Friday to prevent weekend weight gain. Click HERE to read more.

After I had my last baby, my weight loss journey was tough, I had to choose between wanting a six pack or cheesecake and most of the time, the cheesecake won.. Many people think that starting a weight loss diet means giving up the foods we love. No sweets, no rice, no bread, no chips, […]