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“Don’t worry about failure, worry about the chances you’ll miss if you don’t try.” – Anon While there is no guarantee for success, you are guaranteed to fail if you don’t try. Remember, big dreams require lots of optimism. Believe in yourself and pursue every goal with confidence.

“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” ~African Proverb Remember, every struggle is designed to strengthen you. Don’t get discouraged when you’re faced with tough times. Adversity is designed to make you stronger.

If you’re trying to lose weight without losing to much money from your bank account. Check out these creative ways to get fit on a budget. Read more HERE.

“Fear is the enemy of success.” – Anon Doubt will delay your dream. Don’t let fear stand between you and the life you want. Instead, focus on a positive outcome and pursue it with confidence!

Contrary to the standard “eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day,” not everyone has the same water needs. In fact, the amount of water you drink should be based on your weight and activity level. Learn how to calculate the right amount of water for YOU here.

Opportunities are never lost, someone will take the one you miss. – Anon Growth often requires you to seize the moment. Don’t waste too much time contemplating your next move. Instead, ACT on your dream. If you don’t take advantage of opportunities when they come, someone else will.

Most of us are guilty of giving in to the occasional “cheat meal” and many of us have taken it overboard. If you’ve been a victim of binge eating, don’t let that “food baby” discourage you from getting back on track. From drinking LOTS of water, sipping on green tea and upping your cardio, there […]

“Sometimes when things are falling apart, they might actually be falling into place.” – Author Unknown Change is the prerequisite for growth because in order to evolve, you have to move into a new space. Sometimes it can be exciting but most of the time it feels uncomfortable, but don’t let the challenge distract you. […]

Knowing and having a fitness goal is the first step to achieving it. However, if your goal is really big, it can be discouraging when you don’t make progress as fast as you’d like. This is why it is important to set short term fitness goals. The benefit of a short term goal is it […]

“Forget the reasons it won’t work and believe the reason it will.” – Unknown If you want your life to change, put more energy into your dreams than your fears. Do something each day that will bring you closer to the life you want.

The last thing you probably want to think about while on vacation is food restrictions. On the other hand, if you’ve been successful at losing weight, I’m sure you don’t want to ruin your progress. Well, you can still enjoy your vacation and all the good food that comes along with it IF you have […]

“Never let what you can’t do interfere with what you CAN do.” – Anon Everyone has a talent and a special contribution to the world. Instead of dwelling on why there’s certain things you can’t do, focus on what you’re good at and become the BEST at it.