Majic ATL Featured Video
Vegetarian Fried Rice with Vegetables, Healthy

Source: Burwell and Burwell Photography / Getty

When it comes to weight loss, one of the most common myths is to avoid carbs. This is only partially true. You DO want to avoid “bad” carbs like foods with refined sugars, soda, potato chips, starchy breads, and cookies (to name a few), but you DON’T want to avoid the good carbs, like green vegetables, whole grain rice and breads, and sweet potatoes. Here’s why: carbs are designed to fuel your body with the energy it needs to be efficient, add exercise to your daily routine and your need for carbs often increases. So, instead of being fearful of the “damage” carbs can cause, think of them as the gas your tank needs to keep going.

Here are tips on how to use carbs to fuel your workouts and why good carbs are important to maximize fat loss.

—-> Carbs aid with brain function, giving you the focus you need to complete intense workouts

—-> Carbs enable you to lift heavy without compromising lean muscle while you burn fat

—-> Carbs impact the amount of water stored in your body

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