<strong>Dr. Maya Angelou</strong> and a host of others will take part in a special event at <strong>Riverside Church</strong> in <strong>New York City</strong> on <strong>Saturday, November 7 at 8 pm.</strong><!--more--> The evening program titled, “Saving the Race: The Human Race,”

Listen to <strong>Steve Harvey's Inspirational Message</strong> today: "In order to achieve accomplishments in life, you must put forth an effort." <!--more-->

Listen to <strong>Sister Odell's</strong> response to the <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> from <strong>"The Steve Harvey Morning Show"</strong> today. Warning: prepare to laugh out loud! <!--more-->

Co-host, comedienne, actress and author <strong>Sherri Shepherd</strong> was our special guest today on <strong>"The Steve Harvey Morning Show."</strong> Click below to hear what happened. <!--more-->

Read the <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> from today's <strong>"Steve Harvey Morning Show</strong> and listen to <strong>Shirley</strong> and Steve's response. <!--more-->

On Wednesday, superstar <strong>Mariah Carey</strong> will sit down for a rare one-on-one with <strong>Larry King</strong> on <strong>CNN</strong>. She opens up on her latest album, finding love, and starring in <strong>Oprah's</strong> movie, <strong>"Precious,"</strong> which debuts November 6. <!--more-->

Today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> is entitled <strong>My Life and My Boyfriend</strong>. "Hello, I am a 20 year old female who just gave birth to my first daughter almost 3 months ago. She is a preemie and I am staying up here in a city, while her father is 3hrs away. I was working while I was pregnant and me and my boyfriend split everything in our apartment."<!--more-->

Listen to <strong>Nephew Tommy's Prank Call</strong> from <strong>"The Steve Harvey Morning Show"</strong> this morning. It's hilarious! <!--more-->

Listen to <strong>Steve Harvey's</strong> powerful message this morning. He gives us several reasons why we should never give up.<!--more-->

Would you stay in a relationship with someone for five years who has trust issues? Read today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> and listen to <strong>Steve Harvey's</strong> response. We want to hear yours! <!--more-->

Listen to another powerful message from <strong>Steve Harvey.</strong> In this <strong> Message of the Day</strong>, Steve encourages us to "Look To God" and never give up! <!--more-->

Today's <strong>Strawberry Letter</strong> has to do with domestic abuse. "Dear Steve and Shirley, I am head over heels in love with my fiance and I have every intent on marrying him but the thing is, he punches me and thinks it's a part of a relationship that everyone goes through." Click below to read the rest of the letter and to hear <strong>Steve Harvey's</strong> response.<!--more-->