The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.  ~John Powell In life, there will come times when we ALL mess up. The important thing is to pay attention and not repeat the same mistake over and over again. Remember, when you humble yourself and learn lessons from your mistakes, you grow […]

When you blame others, you give up your power to change. ~Author Unknown Remember, the only person who can improve your situation is you. When you blame, you give up your power to change. Never give anyone that kind of control over YOUR life. Instead, take responsibility for your choices, learn from your mistakes and […]

The best teacher is your last mistake. – Author Unknown Whether failed relationships, bad financial decisions, or anything in between, any and all mistakes that you’ve experienced in the past should help you become a better person. Instead of dwelling on what you did wrong, focus more on how you can avoid making the same […]

Making mistakes at work is inevitable. Starting a new job brings about its own learning curve, which may prove difficult. Additionally, if you are seeking…