“Don’t give up, great things take time.” – Anon It may be hard to wait for something you want, but it’s even harder to live with regret. Don’t give up!

“One’s best success often comes after their greatest disappointments.” – Henry Ward Beecher As you work towards your goal, there will be stumbles in the road but these obstacles are just temporary. Remember, success requires you to hold on, even when you want to let go. Keep fighting for your dream!

“When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.” – Author Unknown There may be bumps in the road, but you should never let one obstacle keep you from pursuing your dream. Remember, the things worth having don’t come easy. Success is not always a matter of smart or talented you are, sometimes it’s simply a […]

“Pain is temporary but quitting lasts forever.” – Anon There is no guarantee that you will succeed at the thing you’re pursuing but you are guaranteed to fail if you don’t try. Don’t let a stumbling block in the road be the end of your journey. Instead, remind yourself of why you started and use […]