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From eating more protein to adding additional weight training sessions to your exercise routine, there are a number of ways to get your body to burn more fat. Learn more HERE.

“When it rains, look for rainbows, when it’s dark, look for stars.” – Anon

“Rushing things can ruin things.” – Anon Don’t get so caught up focusing on the finish line that you fail to master the skill needed to sustain your success. Be patient, good things take time.

“The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you will have.” – Author Unknown

Excuses will always be there, opportunity won’t. – Anon

The greatest fears are the ones pushing you forward. – Anon

From ginger root to cantaloupe, there’s a list of healthy foods that can help reduce belly bloat. Check them out HERE.

From increasing your calorie burn by exercising outdoors to strategically scheduling your meals, check out THIS GALLERY of ways to winter proof your workout!

The things that last don’t come easy and the things that come easy usually don’t last. Remember, big goals require hard work. Instead of looking for shortcuts, put in the time so that the thing you are working for will last.

So, you WANT to lose weight but you just don’t “feel” like exercising or eating right. Sometimes mental/emotional barriers are harder to overcome than the actual exercise. If you are looking for fitness inspiration, click HERE for great ideas.

“Growth and comfort cannot coexist.” – Author Unknown Remember, challenges produces change and what may seem uncomfortable could be exactly what you need to grow.

From drinking more water to making sure those sugary foods you crave are OUT of reach, click HERE for creative ways to shake your sugar cravings.