“You are perfect exactly as you are.” – Author Unknown The foundation for happiness is rooted in self-love. Don’t waste energy trying to become someone you are not. Instead, pursue the path that makes YOU happy and always remember you are perfect, exactly as you are!

“Stop dreaming, start doing.” – Author Unknown Remember, progress requires action. In order to get results, you have make moves. Don’t just dream, DO!

“Growth often requires you to focus on a moving target.” – M.T.Collins If you don’t keep up, you’ll get passed by. Remember, change is inevitable and the ones who enjoy long term success are the ways who are able to adapt.

“Worry ends when faith begins.” – Author Unknown Whenever you start to doubt yourself, remember where your strength comes from. Don’t let doubt build a wall between you and your dream. When you let go of fear, you release the greatness within.

“Doubt will deplete your dream.” – M.T. Collins Remember, the foundation for your growth begins with believing in yourself. Doubt will destroy your dream before you even get a chance to start. Don’t second guess your ability to do well. Instead, let everything you do be done with confidence!

“Worry often gives a small thing a BIG shadow.” – Swedish Proverb Worrying will not change the outcome so don’t stress yourself over problems that don’t even exist. Instead, give your attention to the result you want. Remember, the more you focus on something, the more it grows. Feed your faith, starve your fears and […]

“Don’t let your struggles become your identity.” – Author Unknown Pain is only temporary and it’s nothing compared to the joy that’s coming. So when you’re going through tough times, just keep going. Be confident in knowing that a higher power is working for you and every hardship will make you stronger.

“Be patient, good things take time.” – Anon If you rush, you might ruin a good thing. Progress requires patience. While you’re waiting, keep working and everything you want will come to you…

“It is better to be alone than in bad company.” – Anon Remember, your surroundings influence your behavior. This is why it is SO important to watch the company you keep. Don’t waste time on people who talk negative and fail to see the good in life. Instead, surround yourself with go-getters who will inspire you to […]

“There’s a lesson behind every mistake.” – M.T. Collins Experience is the best teacher and we gain experience from making mistakes. If you mess up, don’t dwell on it, learn from it. Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.

“Mistakes are proof that you are trying.” – Author Unknown Every error is designed to make you wiser and stronger, so don’t beat yourself up when you make a mistake. Instead, pay attention to where you fell short so you can come back stronger.

“Whoever is trying to pull you down is already beneath you.” – Author Unknown Don’t lose sleep over someone who is trying to hold you back. Sometimes people want to see you fail because THEY can’t succeed. People only rain on your parade because they’re jealous of your sun and tired of their shade.