“Stop dreaming, start doing.” – Anon Inspiration is the seed but only action will bring your dream to life. Don’t waste too much time contemplating your next move. Instead, ACT on what you want!

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.”- James Openheim Remember, self-love is the foundation for success. Don’t allow anything outside of yourself determine your joy.True happiness is something that can only be fulfilled from within.

Success requires determination. Don’t get discouraged when things get hard. Instead, stay strong and keep going. Every struggle is designed to strengthen you!

“Fear is the enemy of success.” – Anon Don’t let doubt block you from your dream. Instead, pursue your goals with confidence!

“If you’re tired of starting over then stop giving up.” – Author Unknown Progress requires perseverance. If you quit when things get hard, you’ll never accomplish your goal. Remember, challenges come with every journey. Success is a matter of holding on, even when you want to let go.

“One man’s opinion does not have to become your reality.” – Les Brown Don’t be discouraged if someone doesn’t support your dream. Remember, you can’t fuel your journey on the opinions of others. Instead, surround yourself with those who encourage you and do what makes YOU happy.

“Let everything you do be done with love.” – Anon Everyone has a seed to produce success but your intentions determine how that seed grows. As you set new goals, make sure your motives are inspired by a pure heart.

Turn your wounds into wisdom. ~Oprah Winfrey Remember, the longer you dwell on the negative, the longer you remain in a dark space. Throughout life, there will be moments you get knocked down, but the important thing is to not stay down. Let every experience strengthen you to become a stronger person.

“Failure is the opportunity to start again, more wisely.” – Henry Ford It’s easy to get down in the dumps when things don’t turn out the way you want them to. It can be even more disheartening when you’ve given up on something prematurely. However, you can’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed with doubt. Remember, […]

“If you’re tired of starting over then stop giving up.” – Author Unknown Remember, success requires you to hold on, even when you might want to let go. Don’t let setbacks stop you from pursuing your dream. Instead, keep going until you accomplish your goal!

“Don’t worry about failure, worry about the chances you’ll miss if you don’t try.” – Anon While there is no guarantee for success, you are guaranteed to fail if you don’t try. Remember, big dreams require lots of optimism. Believe in yourself and pursue every goal with confidence.

“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” ~African Proverb Remember, every struggle is designed to strengthen you. Don’t get discouraged when you’re faced with tough times. Adversity is designed to make you stronger.