By now, the importance of drinking water has probably been drilled into your head. Not only does it keep you hydrated and flushes out toxins, it helps increase energy levels, and aids with weight loss. Learn more about the benefits of water and how much you should drink daily HERE.

If there are gaps in the nutrients you should be receiving from the food you eat, taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to supplement for anything you might be missing. Dr. Frank Lipman lists a multivitamin among his “Everyday Fab Four” supplements that we should take everyday. Benefits of taking a multivitamin include: […]

If sprints, burpees and P90X is too advanced for you, here are some ideas to help you ease into getting into shape. The following exercises are recommended by Medical Daily for newcomers to fitness who may be overweight or obese: Walking – Slow walking burns extra calories for those carrying around extra weight because they […]

So, the waiter brought out that big plate of pasta, your “intentions” were to save half for later but you ended up eating the WHOLE thing. On top of that, you ordered desert. This is a familiar scenerio for so many people who are trying to stick to a diet. Although you may be full of […]

Since I get so many questions about “how to get a flatter stomach,” today’s Fit Tip is focused foods that promote a slimmer waistline. FIBER is very beneficial when it comes to promoting digestive health (it helps with regular BMs), and helps you feel full longer preventing you from over eating. Bean burger wraps, shrimp and […]

Probiotics, smaller food portions, decreasing sodium intake, removing dairy from my diet, paying attention to the way my body responds to the foods I eat, these are just some of the things I have done to help beat belly bloat. Nearly everyone has struggled with bloating and for women in particular, it can be especially disheartening because we tend […]

You may have heard the saying: “Abs are made in the kitchen.” Well, it’s true. In fact, proper nutrition will lead you to a leaner stomach faster than doing ab exercises alone. Here are 5 foods than will help you get closer to those flat abs you’ve been wanting: Almonds – benefits: protein, fiber, and […]

If you’re trying to lose weight, you may have figured out the the weekends are a true test of discipline because that’s usually the time most of the “cheating” takes place. However, there are things you can do on a Friday to prevent weekend weight gain. Click HERE to read more.

Let’s face it, many of us are on a tight schedule. If you have a family or demanding job, I’m sure you can understand how hard it is to (physically) go to the gym. HOWEVER, there are creative ways you can burn calories throughout the day. HERE are a few of my favorites.

Here’s another great healthy meal option courtesy of Avidite For Life Fitness: Broiled White Fish with Brown Rice & Veggies This is a great meal for cutting calories and dropping weight. Watch your portions with the brown rice in order to stay within your daily calorie goal. White fish is packed with protein – just […]

By now you know that weight loss is about calories in vs. calories out. It’s so easy to overeat without realizing you are but “drinking” too many calories is also something that is often overlooked. In a recent analysis, the CDC compared 2 diets and calorie consumption from drinks. They revealed that the average person […]

It can be hard to stay motivated when you are trying to lose weight. This is why it’s so important to have the tools (and people in your life), that will help you reach your goal. Here’s my personal list of “must haves” for a successful fitness journey.