“Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence.” – Author Unknown Sometimes the best way to deal with a negative person is to not deal with them at all. Remember, a rude person is like a plant, it feeds off of getting you mad but in order to deflect negativity, you have to learn to […]

“Don’t waste words on people who deserve your silence.” – Author Unknown Sometimes the best response is no response, especially when someone is trying to bait you into an argument. Don’t let someone else’s negativity cause you to compromise your good character. Instead, leave the negativity where it belongs, beneath you. Don’t waste words on […]

“The best answer to anger is silence” – Marcus Aurelius Sometimes good people do ugly things but instead of lashing back, try to practice patience. Remember, you can’t control a person’s actions but you CAN control your response. Don’t let an angry person bait you into an argument. Instead, be silent and wait for things […]

Tiger Woods will speak to "friends, colleagues and close associates" at a tightly scripted press conference at PGA Tour headquarters at 11 a.m. Friday, according to his agent Mark Steinberg.