Constantly obsessing over how your body looks is not healthy. In fact, comparing yourself to others and constantly looking for flaws when you look in the mirror can distract you from reaching your fitness goals. There’s no doubt that self-love is the foundation for success with weight loss. Click HERE to read ways to stop […]

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” – Anon Self-love is the foundation for a happy life. Remember, people will treat you according to how you treat yourself. Always hold your head high and value your worth!

“Talk to yourself the way you would to someone you love.” – Author Unknown Self-love is the foundation for the people, experiences and circumstances in attract into your life. You can’t pour from an empty cup, love yourself first.

It can be hard not to be judgmental of yourself while losing weight. However, self-love is needed to be successful during your journey. If you find yourself struggle to not compare your body to others or need a boost of self-confidence, check out these tips to love your body while losing weight.

“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” – Author Unknown Self-love is the foundation for true happiness. Remember, what YOU think of yourself is more important than what people think of you.

“Happiness comes from within.” – Anon Don’t let people or circumstances control your joy. Remember, happiness is an “inside job” and if you want to find peace, you have to start by loving yourself.

“Why try to “fit in” when you can Stand Out?” – Anon Our differences make us unique and we all have some special to offer the world. Don’t get so caught up comparing yourself to others that you fail to see your own beauty.

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.”- James Openheim Remember, self-love is the foundation for success. Don’t allow anything outside of yourself determine your joy.True happiness is something that can only be fulfilled from within.

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Author Unknown We all have different journeys and a unique path that leads to success. This is why you shouldn’t base your success on what other people are doing. Remember, progress is fueled by self-confidence. Don’t belittle your greatness by comparing yourself to someone else. Instead, focus on YOU, and be proud […]

“Self-love is the foundation for happiness.” – Author Unknown When you start to feel insecure, lonely, or unhappy, look in the mirror and remind yourself of how awesome you are. Remember, you can’t attract love if you don’t have love for self.

“You are perfect exactly as you are.” – Author Unknown The foundation for happiness is rooted in self-love. Don’t waste energy trying to become someone you are not. Instead, pursue the path that makes YOU happy and always remember you are perfect, exactly as you are!