Being healthy is not just about what we see on the outside. It also involves having a strong mind. As a matter of fact, your mental health has a huge impact on reaching fitness goals. It is important to value yourself and it starts with the way you think. Here are things you can do […]

Everybody stresses. It’s just a fact of life. However, while a little stress can actually help keep you focused, too much of it doesn’t do…

Recently, I did a book review of Hip Hop Mogul Russell Simmons’ book Super Rich where he explains how Meditation provides him with profound mental moments of stillness as a byproduct of the physical benefits of Yoga.  It has cured him of headaches and has calmed his nerves. Meditation is a mental discipline by which […]

An affirmation is a great way to start training your mind toward a positive way of thinking.  Coupled with other positive thinking exercises, a positive affirmation will help you overcome any obstacle that is put in front of you.  The object of these positive thinking exercises is to ensure that you train the most powerful […]