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Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin. – Anon Remember, if YOU don’t seize the moment, someone else will. Don’t let complacency keep you from your dream.

When you are weak emotionally, food cravings can tend to creep up on you. For many, food serves as a source comfort when going through a rough time. However, over eating during a low moment only hurts you more. Emotional eating can destroy your weight loss efforts. Fortunately, there are things you can do to […]

“Never give up, great things take time.” – Anon Remember progress requires patience. If things aren’t happening as fast as you’d like them to, don’t be hard on yourself. Instead, persevere and keep going!

Spring is here! Many of us use this time to sort through our homes, purge unwanted items and just get some good cleaning done. Well, if you are trying to drop a few pounds, here’s some good news. Those extra chores around the house can give you a good burn. According to SHAPE, here’s a list […]

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try” – Anon Progress requires action. Don’t let doubt block you from your dream. Trying something new may be scary at first but change is a requirement for growth. Remember, every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.

Metabolism: that magical word that is so often accompanied with conversations about weight loss. In simple terms, metabolism is the sum of everything your body does. The faster your metabolism runs, the more calories you burn. The more you burn, the easier it is to lose weight. While some folks think they are doomed to […]

“Happiness is rooted in self-love.” – Anon Remember, one man’s opinion does not have to be your reality and if you want true happiness, you have to do the things that bring YOU joy. Don’t let someone’s opinion discourage you from doing the things that make you happy. Instead, BE what YOU want to be, not what […]

There’s no doubt that exercise can help you look good but more importantly, exercise makes you FEEL good. Exercise helps prevent and improve a number of health problems including high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity, it can also help reduce anxiety, an improve mood. Here’s what Web MD has to say about the psychological benefits of […]

“Jealousy will block your blessing.” – M.T.Collins Don’t get so caught up focusing on what someone else has that you fail see your own blessings.When you see someone doing well, don’t be envious, be inspired. We are all loved and capable of creating the life we want.

The right foods can make you feel good on the inside AND look good on the outside. Unfortunately, there are also foods that can change your appearance in a negative way. Let’s start with the good, according to, here are some great foods that can benefit your skin: Butternut Squash British researchers found that an increased […]

Fear is the enemy of success – Anon If you want to have a breakthrough, you have to be bold. Remember, doubt will delay your dream. Fear is the enemy of success. Pursue your dream with confidence!

An apple cider vinegar detox is a great way to jump start your weight loss. This detox can help with clearing your skin and boosting your energy. Get the recipe HERE