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Birth Control

Source: Tim Matsui / Getty

A Los Angeles native is speaking out on the dangerous effects of birth control after she suffered a stroke at the age of 26, ABC reports.

In an interview with ABC News, Jordan Ward said that in the middle of planning her wedding, she faced symptoms of nausea, blurred vision, and headaches. After her fiancé suggested she see a doctor, the couple discovered she had suffered a stroke and blood clots in her brain.

To make matters worse, she discovered the stroke was caused by the birth control she was taking.

“When I did get the news, I was in shock,” Ward told ABC’s Los Angeles Station, KABC. “I’m 26 years old.”

African-Americans are known to be at a high risk for strokes due to high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes, among other factors. Another factor that can double the risks of strokes across the board for all races is smoking, something Ward does.

“Women should always be advised about the risks versus benefits versus alternatives to any form of birth control, and realize that while uncommon, if the worst case scenario happens to them, it is a big deal,” Dr. Jennifer Ashton said.

Ashton suggests a healthy weight, being aware of blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, and stepping away from cigarettes will more than likely decrease someone’s chances of getting a stroke.

It is unknown if Ward will stop smoking or taking her birth control, but she says being aware of the dangers have given her a better perspective on life and the future with her soon-to-be husband.

“I’m so thankful for so many things, but especially for the fact that I still get to marry the man of my dreams,” Ward told the station.

To learn more about the factors of strokes, check out more information from the National Stroke Association here.



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26-Year-Old Bride-To-Be Claims Birth Control Caused Stroke  was originally published on