Marketing and media maven Karen Civil traveled to Haiti over the weekend to open the doors of the Live Civil Computer Lab at the House of Hope Orphanage in Titanyen.

Thousands of women (and men) are banding together to share their stories and fight to find a cure for breast cancer. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, social media activists have sought to maintain a culture of awareness for the better -- and sometimes the worse.

Entertainment News

We live in a strange world where the truth is stranger than fiction. We couldn’t have made the up. The man who “involuntarily” helped Michael…

You might still be full from Thanksgiving and your feet and wallet may still be aching from Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but today’s unofficial…

VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION WEEK June 20th – June 23rd Hosea Feed the Hungry looks forward to celebrating our volunteers and the countless hours of service that have been donated to our cause. If you haven’t had a chance to volunteer, we invite you to celebrate with us anyway! See the schedule of activities below for more details. YOUTH VOLUNTEER DAY- Wednesday, June […]

The <strong>Food Network</strong> cooking show host delivered <strong>25,000 pounds of hams</strong> to the <strong>Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless</strong> program but was caught off guard when a volunteer threw one her way.<!--more--> <!--more-->