Stuffing is traditionally made by combining a dry bread with a liquid and baking. Here is my recipe that, I think you will enjoy. Ingredients:…

Holiday Guide

Here’s the thing C h r i s t m a s, I’m sick of you and I’m finally going to stand up for myself.…

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we all know that giving thanks is what it’s all about, but we’d be lying if we said…

Entertainment News

The holidays are here! So how are you honestly feeling FitGirl? Are you dreading this calorie-heavy celebration or are you counting down the days until…

Great news: for the next two weeks I’ll be bringing you awesome “What To Wear…” posts to satisfy your wardrobe needs. The holiday’s are fast…

For me, the best part of Thanksgiving dinner (besides licking the bowl after mixing the cake batter) are the side dishes. The thought of casseroles, stuffings, and mashed-up anything all fill my heart with warm memories of our family gathered at the big table sharing old stories. I’ve been tasked with created a few dishes […]

For me, the best part of Thanksgiving dinner (besides licking the bowl after mixing the cake batter) are the side dishes. The thought of casseroles,…

Am I the only girl excited for Thanksgiving dinner? Pumpkin flavored everything, everywhere, fresh picked apples, cinnamon and nutmeg goodness just waiting to be devoured.…

Am I the only girl excited for Thanksgiving dinner? Pumpkin flavored everything, everywhere, fresh picked apples, cinnamon and nutmeg goodness just waiting to be devoured. Diets are officially on hold until January. But this season, I promised myself not to fall to far from my healthy eating plan. I’ve scurried the internet for the best […]

Most women (certainly not all) take pride in their ability to throw down in the kitchen. Fried chicken, collard greens, baked mac and cheese… are just some of the soul food recipes I inherited as a young girl from my mother. She would always say, “The way to a man’s heart, is through his stomach,” […]

Chef Richard Ingraham came up cooking in fancy restaurants, but has allowed his career to lead him into the lucrative realm of celebrity chef-dom. As…