Why was a man in… Florida… too embarrassed to buy 2 sex toys from a store… a stroker can and a plug… so he stole them… got caught and now has a mug shot and a story that we are talking about…. For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below L.A. […]

Why has Netflix come up with some socks that will pause your show when you fall asleep…. The Netflix socks will read your body to understand when you knock out and will stop your show so you can easily pick up where you nodded off For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]

Since weed was just legalized in Washington D.C.    Why is a man creating a new business model…   he is charging 100 dollars and teaching people how to properly smoke weed…. he teaches eating and vaping techniques…. and he will share the risks and benefits of using marijuana For more information on the Funk […]

Why were there deliveries of all kinds around the holiday weekend…    and why did a family in Arlington Texas… move into a new home and get a delivery Wednesday of a package containing about 7 pounds of weed…. the postal service took it back For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]

Why is a man in Texas being charged with aggravated assault for hitting his girlfriend…  He old her to smell his armpit… she refused… so he punched her in the back of the head and tried to stab her with a knife   For more information on each Funk Dat, click the links below Middle […]

Why did a man in Pittsburgh get arrested for shooting and killing the mother of his child… The woman had 8 children…  The man reportedly asked her to reimburse him for diapers and baby wipes because that money was for weed…. FUNK DAT!!!! Listen:   For Information On Today’s Funk Dat Stories: Wrestling Coach Fakes […]

Why is there a Chemical engineer who has not taken a shower since around 2003… he sprays himself with amonia oxidizing bacteria to keep himself smelling fresh….  he got the idea from seeing a horse rolling in dir For more information on the Funk Dats, click each link below Man Has NOT Taken Shower In […]

Why did a man in Texas stab his roommate because of a fight over the last chicken drumstick….   and the roommate died For more information on the Funk Dats, click each link below Fight Over Chicken Turns Deadly Tattooed Black Man Charged In Black Church Fires Oklahoma Mayor’s Husband KKK Prank? Needles In Twix […]

A woman shattered her chances at advancing her career at a health company after she tweeted about discovering her "inner ni**er" at a cotton field.

Why did a 32 year old man in South Carolina beat his stepfather…. repeatedly punching him in the head because the step-father spilled a cup of kool-aid….  Then the man left the scene….  2 hours later he came back to the house and officers found him hiding behind the door in his bedroom For more […]

Why did a man in Oregon break into a home strip down and get bucked nekked….  and climb into the bed with couple living there…..  he was holding a knife when he sat on top of the man and kissed the man….. The man pulled out a gun…. the intruder ran and 3 shots were […]

For more information on the Funk Dats, click the links below Principal Hypnotizes Students Who Commit Suicide Husband Sleeping In Front Of Mansion Customer Fires At Shoplifter Naked Man Approached Sorority Members Glass Walk Way Cracks With Tourists Man Calls 911 Because He Is Too High