We must be our own before we can be another’s. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson A common desire among us is to be in a loving relationship. But if you want to have happiness with someone else, you must start by loving yourself. BE the love you want to attract.

Sometimes we have to ask: Am I doing something wrong?

Do best friends really make the best lovers? And is it time for you to make that leap with your guy best friend?

We all want to believe that love should meet us where we are, but will it?

Sex comes with a lot of questions, but are you asking them?

In the Victorian era, doctors would use orgasms to help women with hysteria.

You really like him, but you're questioning whether he's serious about you. Here ares some signs that he's not.

It's super obvious when a man wants to wife you. Here's how you know.

It’s one of America’s greatest paradoxes that no matter how diverse we become, the discomfort people feel when talking about race is never appeased. In most parts of the country, you will see countless mixed-race couples and yet, the complicated nature of our country’s sordid racial past means many people still have that initial knee-jerk reaction to […]

We have all been there before. You know, those awkward, scary stages when you realize you're falling for someone hard.