“Failure is a bruise, NOT a tattoo.” – Jon Sinclair Remember, mistakes don’t define you but how you overcome them does. It’s okay to fall down, but it’s not okay to STAY down. Don’t let temporary defeat keep you from you dream.

“Failure is the tuition you pay for success.” – Walter Brunell Remember, the only time you fail is when you stop trying. If you want to keep growing you have to keep going! Don’t let mistakes discourage you. Failure is the price you pay for success.

“Don’t be afraid to try, regret is worse than failure.” – Author Unknown Progress requires perseverance and sometimes success is simply a matter of holding on even when you want to let go. Remember, dreams are designed to inspire you, not intimidate you. The pain of regret is worse than failure so if you have […]

“Pain is temporary but quitting lasts forever.” – Anon There is no guarantee that you will succeed at the thing you’re pursuing but you are guaranteed to fail if you don’t try. Don’t let a stumbling block in the road be the end of your journey. Instead, remind yourself of why you started and use […]