Entertainment News

The FBI has launched an investigation to take a closer look at Hillary Clinton’s private email account.

Eric Schneiderman, the newly appointed New York attorney general, was specially hired to investigate the police deaths of unarmed citizens.

Earlier this year, the Justice Department released a program to better train police in how they interact with local communities.

The Benghazi attack that haunted Clinton as a Secretary of State may haunt her presidential bid as well.

On the shooting, Governor Bobby Jindal said: "“This is an awful night for Lafayette. This is an awful night for Louisiana. This is an awful night for the United States."

Hillary Clinton may now be in more hot water over her email controversy. The Justice Department just received a referral to open a criminal investigation into…

After insulting Mexican immigrants in America, grandiloquent billionaire Donald Trump has blasted his way to the top of the list of Republican presidential candidates in…

Controversial GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump told CNN Wednesday that he will ultimately win the Latino vote, and knocked Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton for promoting…

In her first national interview of the 2016 presidential race, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton dismissed polls that suggest Americans do not trust her, and seized…

Entertainment News

Sean “Diddy” Combs‘ UCLA saga has finally come to an end. The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office has chosen not to file assault charges against…

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) brought out the biggest crowd yet in the 2016 political race, The Huffington Post reports. The 73-year-old contender has been labeled…

Sen. Bernie Sanders is hoping that his past services in the Civil Rights Movement and support of Obamacare will gain him the minority vote and…