Entertainment News

Standing in their tradition of service and social justice, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has offered to pay the entire costs for the memorial and…

Entertainment News

Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, 28, received an award for “extraordinary effort in the line of duty” months before he gunned down unarmed teenager Mike…

Nelly believes rioters in Ferguson, Missouri, should have waited a little longer before taking the streets in anger over Michael Brown’s shooting. People have been…

News One Exclusives

President Barack Obama delivered a statement Thursday about the murder of Mike Brown, protests in Ferguson and local law enforcement’s response to the unrest. Roland Martin…

News One Exclusives

What can be done in Ferguson and around the country to turn this moment of solidarity against police brutality into a movement against the violence…

News One Exclusives

Tim Lynch, Director, Project on Criminal Justice, CATO Institute joined Roland Martin Friday on “NewsOne Now” to discuss the militarization of America’s police departments. Did you know…

Entertainment News

The unwarranted slaying of Ferguson, Missouri teen Michael Brown has caused plenty of citizens to fight for justice and musicians J. Cole and Elle Varner…

The case around Mike Brown’s killing by a Ferguson police officer is only getting murkier. After releasing images from a gas station robbery to the press…

Eighteen-year-old Mike Brown’s death at the hands of police inspired passionate protests in his hometown of Ferguson, Missouri and new questions about racism and police…

What’s happening in Ferguson, Missouri around the killing of unarmed teenager Mike Brown is playing out according to a familiar script. The timeline of events…