A TMZ reporter asked Rev. Al Sharpton...What's happening with you? Sharpton smiled and flashed his Newsweek cover. Click here for details.

Black Civil Rights leaders are furious that they will not be able to organize a march to commemorate the 47th anniversary of the historic March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King’s famed “I Have A Dream” speech at the location where it happened this year because right wing Fox News personality and radio host Glenn Beck already booked the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28th.

Benjamin L. Hooks, who led of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for 16 years, died Thursday at the age of 85. While best known for leading the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights group, Hooks had a varied career that bridged the often disparate worlds of black and white America. He was also a Baptist minister who headed two churches.

Two weeks to the day after he entered Emory University Hospital Midtown with a blood clot in the lung, civil rights icon the Rev. Joseph Lowery was released. Lowery, 88, entered the hospital Jan. 30 complaining of shortness of breath.

Famed civil rights leader and Atlanta legend Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery has been admitted to a hospital intensive care unit, but friends say his condition is not serious. Click here for details.

As we celebrate Black History month, we pay tribute to Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks was a modest seamstress on her way home from work when…

America became acquainted with Larry Platt Tuesday night, but the "Pants on the Ground" singer has been an Atlanta fixture for years. He's also apparently a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Click here for details.