Martin, who has been adamant about President Obama nominating a Black woman to the Supreme Court, asked Jarrett why a Black woman was not nominated and reminded Jarrett of the support Mr. Obama has received from African-American women over the course of his tenure as president.

After the double-homicide of Tarekka Jones and Jalisa Walls-Harris, Kevin Reynolds turned the gun on himself.

A confessed serial killer, who preyed on poor Black women in Indiana, has been hit with five new charges, reports CNN.

A confessed serial killer, who preyed on poor Black women in Indiana, has been hit with five new charges, reports CNN.


In honor of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness on March 10, positive African-American women sound off.

Black women aren’t stuck in the roles of yesteryear. Over time, they’ve graced screens – both big and small – playing versatile, relatable, and touching roles that help inspire #BlackGirlMagic all over the world.

Black History Month, National

While the image of the Black Panther Party often conjures one of a man in the signature beret carrying a gun, women were right there alongside the men of the party, making up an estimated 50 percent of membership.

The stereotype of what engineers are supposed to look like is quickly changing, as evidenced by the Black female engineers kicking ass at Slack, the startup behind the popular messaging platform.

In a new Buzzfeed report, sexual assault survivors from Spelman wonder why more isn’t be done to punish the perps from their brother school.