From ginger root to cantaloupe, there’s a list of healthy foods that can help reduce belly bloat. Check them out HERE.

Tired of looking like you’re 5 months pregnant all the time? You’re not the only one. The good news is, there are many things you can do to combat belly bloat! Read more HERE.

If you’re tired of feeling bloated all the time, the cause could be something you may have overlooked. Check out this list of ways to battle belly bloat.

Feeling down about that bulge in your belly? If you’ve been eating healthy and exercising regularly but still have a little gut, you may just be experiencing a little belly bloat. Here’s a few suggestions to help deflate your midsection and feel like yourself again: 1. Drink some peppermint tea. Peppermint is great for soothing churning stomachs […]

Probiotics, smaller food portions, decreasing sodium intake, removing dairy from my diet, paying attention to the way my body responds to the foods I eat, these are just some of the things I have done to help beat belly bloat. Nearly everyone has struggled with bloating and for women in particular, it can be especially disheartening because we tend […]