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They tried…and basically failed.

Fright Night: The 15 Worst Celebrity Halloween Costumes Ever  was originally published on

1. Heidi Klum may be the queen of Halloween, but her old lady costume was more creepy than shocking.

Heidi Klum may be the queen of Halloween, but her old lady costume was more creepy than shocking.

2. Al Roker as Oprah is not something we want to see again.

Al Roker as Oprah is not something we want to see again.

3. Thumbs up for Katy Perry’s eclectic spirit, but out of all the snacks to be for Halloween, a Cheeto is not one.

Thumbs up for Katy Perry’s eclectic spirit, but out of all the snacks to be for Halloween, a Cheeto is not one.

4. We love Jessica White, but lingerie on Halloween is not a costume…not even at a lingerie-themed party.

We love Jessica White, but lingerie on Halloween is not a costume…not even at a lingerie-themed party.

5. Clearly, this was Mariah’s idea.

Clearly, this was Mariah’s idea.

6. Halloween or not, Blackface is never ok.

7. Kate Upton dressed as a skeleton for Halloween, but she looks more like her everyday self.

Kate Upton dressed as a skeleton for Halloween, but she looks more like her everyday self.

8. Perez Hilton as Lady Gaga…no, no.

Perez Hilton as Lady Gaga…no, no.

9. Aubrey O’Day’s peacock makeup was a huge no.

Aubrey O’Day’s peacock makeup was a huge no.

10. Seal dressed as Eve and Heidi Klum as the serpent from the Bible may have sounded like a good idea, until it wasn’t.

Seal dressed as Eve and Heidi Klum as the serpent from the Bible may have sounded like a good idea, until it wasn’t.

11. Chris Brown dressed up as Osama Bin Laden in 2012 and per usual, he caused a media stir.

12. Remember when, in 2015, Kim Kardashian dressed as Kim Kardashian circa 2013. Classic, but not that creative.

13. We wonder how Paris Hilton felt about Matt Lauer walking a day in her stilettos.

We wonder how Paris Hilton felt about Matt Lauer walking a day in her stilettos.

14. Ashanti’s costume gives super DIY vibes.

Ashanti’s costume gives super DIY vibes.

15. Anne Hathaway as an Egyptian goddess is not a total fail. It just doesn’t translate well.

Anne Hathaway as an Egyptian goddess is not a total fail. It just doesn’t translate well.