
A blistering draft report says the Chicago Police Department must face its racist past and change the way it handles excessive force allegations before true reforms can made, reports the Chicago Tribune.

The White House says that African-American women make 60 cents to the dollar a white man makes; white women make 79 cents.

A new PSA for President Obama's mentorship initiative, My Brother’s Keeper encourages young men of color to achieve their dreams.

Plus, college student finds racist messages on bananas in her dorm kitchen and Bethenny Frankel offends Black female leaders at NYC event.


A Toronto, Canada woman is speaking out against two managers at Zara after they complained about her box braids, calling the style extreme, according to The Huffington Post.

Just days after former President Bill Clinton used his White privilege to lecture Black Lives Matter protesters, Hillary Clinton engaged in her own faux pas regarding, well, African-Americans.

NewsOne asked ten eight frequent customers of the shop to share some of the most important lessons they've learned or heard while in the chair. Check out their nostalgic stories below.

New research explains why Black and low-income students lag behind more affluent White peers in science. The researchers recommend early exposure to science.


The White House is pressuring Congress to pass a $1.9 billion bill to provide emergency funding for Zika.

In efforts to recruit and retain millennial employees, Coca-Cola has announced that it will now offer paid leave to new fathers.


The cause of the longtime host's death has not been confirmed, although it is known Banks battled with diabetes and kidney problems for some time.

A new survey finds that Black and Hispanic parents believe there are disparities in education based on race and income. The study seeks to give voice to the new majority parents whose children now outnumber Whites in the public schools.