
Porsha Williams has a personality that always stands out. Now with the advent of GIFs, we can capture all the great moments that make Porsha Williams the diva that she is. Here are the 10 GiFs that totally describe Porsha Williams. The Sass   The Charm   The Shade   The Beauty The Laugh   The […]

The family of slain New York man Eric Garner, whose chokehold death at the hands of officer Daniel Pantaleo sparked nationwide protests nearly three years ago, is still hopeful for a federal indictment.

Unrelatedly, ex-cop Dominique Heaggan-Brown was fired from the department for an unrelated sexual assault investigation.


Darryl Aikens met all the requirements for his diploma and inspired the Golden State Warriors with his tenacity.

The hearing is set for July, and he could be released by October.

When you watch the disturbing police dash cam video of the fatal shooting of Philando Castile, you will wonder just how a jury could acquit St. Anthony, Minnesota, police officer Jeronimo Yanez. But this is America, a country founded on racial oppression, right?

What does it mean when some of the most vulnerable populations in our society don't receive equal protection under law?

A Canadian woman caused a scene as she demanded that her child be treated by a White doctor. An unidentified woman was caught on camera at Rapid Access to Medical Specialists in Mississauga, Canada, hounding staff to find a White doctor, The Huffington Post reports. Although doctors of other ethnicities were available to provide care […]


Investigators say they've found no evidence of wrongdoing after a female cast member alleged she was sexually assaulted.

Charleena Lyles, 30, was shot and killed Sunday by police in her Seattle, Washington, apartment.

The lawsuit alleges that his family suffered nosebleeds, vomiting, nausea and vertigo.

"She took her last breaths in my nephew's arms," the sister of the victim said.