
The Pope Blasts Trump’s Stance On Immigration: ‘He’s Not Christian’ Pope Francis recently prayed at the U.S./Mexican border where he paid tribute to migrants who had died trying to cross the Rio Grande. Following his six-day trip in Mexico, he was asked his thoughts on Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump who proposed building an expansive wall between the […]


Let Team Beautiful show you around The Magic City that's not in Atlanta.


While hosting a reception for Black History Month on Thursday, President Barack Obama greeted the crowd with First Lady Michelle Obama by his side, and of course, he brought the jokes.


President Obama will make history by becoming the first sitting president to visit Cuba in almost nine decades.

The brownstone of the late poet and author includes four floors, an elevator, five bedrooms and eight bathrooms.

A day after losing an appeal that would have stopped his criminal case in Pennsylvania, embattled entertainer Bill Cosby filed a lawsuit against the rape accuser at the center of the controversy. As reported by The Hollywood Reporter and other outlets, Cosby filed the lawsuit against former Temple University staffer Andrea Constand under the cloak […]

President Barack Obama has faith that American voters won't treat the upcoming presidential election like a reality show by voting for Republican candidate Donald Trump.

A Florida teenager fascinated with the medical field was arrested for impersonating a doctor multiple times.

U.S. Marshals have confirmed that they have been tasked with serving nearly 2,000 warrants to people who have defaulted on their student loans.


Jocelerme Privert, the former head of Parliament who served as interior minister under former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide, will lead the country for 120 days. After that, he must confirm a consensus prime minster, the report says.