
A confessed serial killer, who preyed on poor Black women in Indiana, has been hit with five new charges, reports CNN.

A Wisconsin woman is accused of shooting and killing her pregnant neighbor and unborn child in a dispute over loud music. The police are searching for the suspect.


In honor of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness on March 10, positive African-American women sound off.

Danita Michaux's 12-year-old son was sent topless photos by his girlfriend. When the pair broke up, Danita began harassing the girl by posting the pics online.


Donald Trump has not been called an extremist for making the statement and the Jerusalem Post has not been called extremist for publishing the statement. Clearly, it is not a matter of what is being said, but who is saying it.


President Obama has reportedly lost five pounds since his 2014 physical.

​​ The city of Baltimore just got a little brighter after a photo of a teen praying over a homeless man went viral. Eric Gaines, a University of Maryland police officer, captured the moment last Tuesday while patrolling. After posting the image on Facebook, thousands praised the young man for the sweet gesture. Speaking to […]


Attorney General Loretta Lynch has pulled her name from the pool of possible nominees to the Supreme Court Tuesday, asking that she "not be considered" for the seat.

Michelle Obama has continuously advocated for education. With her "Let Girls Learn" initiative the First Lady has proposed a new way to help young women feel empoawered when they use technology.

The unnamed male teacher at Green County High School in Greensboro, Georgia, is accused of calling Shaniaya Hunter, "the dumbest girl I have ever met." The comment came after Shaniaya experienced a number of absences due to an eye condition and asked the teacher in December for assistance catching up on her work, reports the New York Daily News.


Dwight Boone-Doty, 22, was charged with murder Monday in the execution-style slaying of 9-year-old Tyshawn Lee.

#MasculinitySoFragile and homophobia are just way too real folks. We can do better than this.