
It’s crucial to find joy and light in all this darkness.

Plus, University of Michigan student wearing hijab threatened with being set on fire and a North Carolina TV station censors ‘Saturday Night Live’ episode with Dave Chappelle.

They eatery took the word of a Trump supporter over U.S. Army veteran Ernest Walker, who questioned the man's service to our country.

Pamela Taylor, the director at the non-profit Clay County Development Corporation, was given a pink slip on Monday for making racist comments about FLOTUS.

The singer—and her pies—will debut on the Cooking Channel on December 3.

Although Donald Trump is currently the President Elect, America may have another chance at electing Hillary Clinton for President after all.

The EJI’s “Lynching In America: Targeting Black Veterans” report documents the physical violence and social humiliation African-American service people faced in the United States.

Scientists in Britain develop a USB-type device that monitors HIV virus level. Tests show that it's accurate and fast.

News One Exclusives

What is the path going forward in an America led by one of the most polarizing President-elects in modern-day history?

News One Exclusives

President-elect Donald Trump seems to have already reversed course on a number of the promises he made on the campaign trail.