Election 2016

On Wednesday, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate Dr. Carla Hayden as the Librarian of Congress. If confirmed Dr. Hayden would be the first woman and first African-American to serve in the post, as mentioned in a press release issued by the White House Office of the Press Secretary. President Obama issued a […]

Declaring his love for voters who swept him to victory Tuesday in the Nevada presidential caucuses, Donald Trump claimed his third straight victory in an early voting state.

Election 2016

Donald Trump won the Republican presidential primary in South Carolina, while Hillary Clinton won Nevada's Democratic caucuses, paving the way for a general election showdown between the two.

Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman has given Hillary Clinton's latest presidential advertisement a touch of sincerity and cinematic glory.

President Barack Obama has long made it known that he is a great admirer of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. During his first term in office, he added a sculpture of King's to the Oval Office. The bust made history in 2000 when it became the first image of an African American in any public space in the White House. So it is only fitting that during his final Black History Month as President of the United States, Obama welcomed four members of King's family to view the bust in the Oval Office for the first time.

As the presidential race heats up, a new CNN/ORC Poll shows Republican candidate Donald Trump with a substantial lead among those likely to vote in the party's South Carolina primary on Saturday. Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton bests rival Bernie Sanders by 18 points among likely voters in next week's Democratic primary.

While extending condolences to the family of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who died of natural causes over the weekend, NewsOne’s legal expert Damario Solomon Simmons says that the vacancy gives President Barack Obama a golden opportunity to right the court on issues of civil rights.

President Barack Obama on Saturday pledged to fill the Supreme Court seat left open by the sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia, while Senate Republicans signaled that they would block any nominee.

Ted Cruz argues that he is eligible to serve as president, noting the distinction between natural-born and naturalized citizens.

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders clashed Thursday on issues of race and immigration at the most recent debate as the race heads to South Carolina, where voters of color are key to winning next week's primary race.

Since jumping into the presidential race in June, Hillary Clinton has made it a point to reach out to Black voters, who have long supported her family’s political legacy. But the steady drumbeat of announcing support and endorsements from African-American celebrities, activists, lawmakers and the parents of fallen unarmed Black men is beginning to look, well, like political pandering.

Democratic Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge said Clinton is a better candidate for African-Americans on national security and economic security.