
The <strong>Food Network</strong> cooking show host delivered <strong>25,000 pounds of hams</strong> to the <strong>Hosea Feed the Hungry and Homeless</strong> program but was caught off guard when a volunteer threw one her way.<!--more--> <!--more-->

Thanks to the people of metro <strong>Atlanta</strong> for providing <strong>donations</strong> to <strong>Hosea's Feed the Hungry and Homeless</strong>. Check out some <strong>pictures</strong> from our <strong>event</strong> at <strong>South DeKalb Mall</strong>.<!--more-->

If you eat too much <strong>sugar</strong> you will eventually become <strong>diabetic</strong>. <strong>Fact</strong> or <strong>fiction</strong>? For more <strong>diabetes myths</strong> and answers continue reading.<!--more-->

Ladies who want <strong>free mammograms</strong> need to get in contact with me ASAP!! Click below for details.<!--more-->

Check out our <strong>photos</strong> from the <strong>Atlanta Falcons Bud Light Tailgate!</strong> The Falcons defeated the <strong>Washington Washington Football Team</strong>! See the photos now. <!--more-->

<strong>Commissioner William "Bill" Edwards</strong> gives us a sneak peek of the <strong>Wolf Creek Amphitheater</strong>, scheduled to open in <strong>South Fulton</strong> in 2010.<!--more-->

I will be taking 25 ladies to get free mammograms. For more info on how you can get a free mammogram continue reading.<!--more-->

For information on what you should know before you go to the doctor continue reading.<!--more-->

To find out what time I will be giving away tickets to <strong>Michael Jackson’s</strong> movie <strong>“This Is It,”</strong> continue reading.<!--more-->

Is it breast cancer? Here's some information that will help you determine what is going on with your body.<!--more-->

Majic 107.5/97.5 invites you to join us in our fight against breast cancer. We encourage your congregations and ministries to join Majic 107.5/97.5 and the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure Worship in Pink Weekend Friday, October 23rd, through Sunday, October, 25th. <!--more-->

To find out what's going on the city of Atlanta this weekend continue reading.<!--more-->