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Black History Month 2016 - FUTURE

Radio One is celebrating black history by saluting Future History Makers, people giving back to our community today to shape our tomorrow.

Future History Makers 2017


Today we salute…Sydnie Singleton, at the age of 13, after witnessing the harsh effects of bullying she started her own company Thinkie Winks, to spread positivity worldwide and inspire children. With her siblings she has published Thinkie Winks paraphernalia in which she donates her profits to other organizations across the United States. Sydnie Singleton we honor you for exemplifying the qualities of a Future History Maker.

Brought to you by dominion east Ohio and McDonalds- I’m loving it. To learn more about our future history makers and how they are shaping our future click here

Future History Makers Sponors

Future History Makers Sponors

Cleveland’s Future History Maker: Sydnie Singleton  was originally published on