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Important elections are coming up and we want to make sure everyone is prepared to vote come November. Here is all the information you need for Absentee Voting In Georgia.

Quick Guidelines:

  1. Apply to get your Absentee Ballot before November 2, 2018
  2. Download the application with the link below and send it to your county elections office.
  3. Once you get your Absentee Ballot, mail it back on or before Election Day.  (You may have to use two stamps to guarantee delivery.)
  4. Be sure to use the Oath Envelope provided.


More Detailed Guidelines:

  1. Any registered voter can apply for an Absentee Ballot.  First, find out if you’re registered to vote by visiting the Secretary of State’s “My Voter Page”. Put in your personal information to check your status.

  2. You can apply for an Absentee Ballot now until November 2, 2018. Download the application, fill it out and then mail, walk-in or fax it to your county elections office.  Your application must be in your county elections office by Friday, November 2, 2018 in order to get an Absentee Ballot for this General Election.Get your Absentee Ballot application here:


Contact information for your county elections office can be found here. You’ll find phone numbers, fax numbers, email information and office addresses with this link.


  1. Absentee Ballots are mailed 45 days before a General Election, so expect your ballot in the mail around September 22, 2018.  Once you get your Absentee Ballot, you must mail it back to your county elections office in the Oath Envelope provided. Your ballot has to be postmarked on or before Election Day
  2. CAUTION: You may have to buy two stamps to return your ballot. Some ballots are longer and heavier, so they require more postage.  If you don’t have enough postage on the envelope, the US Postal Service will return it to you.  To be sure, weigh the envelope at the US Postal service to see whether two stamps are needed.
  3. If you do not receive your Absentee Ballot in a timely manner, and you fear it has been lost in the mail, by law you can request another one. Call your county elections office for more information.
  4. Remember, Georgia does not have a permanent absentee voter status, so this application will only be for the upcoming election.  A new application must be submitted each year.
  5. FREQUENT MISTAKES that could result in your Absentee Ballot being  rejected.
    1. No Signature – You have to sign the Oath Envelope for identity purposes.
    2. Wrong Envelope– You must use the Oath Envelope provided.  If you lose it, contact your county elections office for a replacement.
    3. You wrote the Current Date on the Oath – Write the date of your birth and your name on the Oath Envelope.
  1. Different Personal Address – Use the address on file if you don’t want your  ballot rejected.
  2. Unauthorized  Return – If you decide to hand deliver your ballot, YOU must do it unless you are not disabled. Contact your elections officials for details.


words by Denise Dunbar

Everything You Need To Know About Absentee Voting In Georgia  was originally published on