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There has been some back and forth if Housing and Urban Development (HUD) would increase the rents on low-income communities. Originally, Ben Carson, the incompetent secretary of HUD, submitted the request in a proposal. However, back on June 11, Carson said raising rents were no longer necessary because “the budget has been changed, the necessity for doing that is not urgent.” Now he is back to increase rents and he gave his bizarre reasoning yesterday.

See Also: Ben Carson Tells A Black Woman To Escape Poverty She Needs To Get Married

Ben Carson delivered the keynote at the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Conservative Political Action Conference 365 in Memphis, Tennessee. According to The Tennessean, Carson blamed the Obama administration for the rent hikes, claiming it was “proposed” under Julian Castro, the former secretary of HUD. He also said “under current spending trends the U.S. won’t have the money for anything other than debt service by 2048.” He then channeled the Founding Fathers and quoted Thomas Jefferson, saying that it was “immoral” to steal from future generations. He also added, “I don’t know what he would say about us.”

I can guess what the Founding Fathers would say about the Trump administration that they created the Constitution to prevents someone as devilish as 45. This is a man who has blatantly violated the Constitution and Carson has defended him (and even his spending) all in the name of Christ.

That said, if you want to talk about current spending trends, how about if HUD didn’t spend $200,000 on office renovations or if the U.S. government didn’t spend trillions of dollars to fight in wars that we will never win. The U.S. government wastes millions of dollars every year and it has nothing to do with people in low-income communities.

Ben Carson is truly deplorable.


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Here’s Ben Carson’s Deplorable Excuse For Raising Rents On The Most Vulnerable Communities  was originally published on