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One Black gay man has shared his thoughts on why Patricia Arquette’s call for wage equality may not be the most pressing matter for women of color.

Last month, Patricia Arquette called on minorities and the LGBTQ community to focus their attention on the fight for wage equality for women during her Oscar acceptance speech. The message rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Her rallying cry was mostly met with tons of snarky remarks from Black twitter, pegging her as an entitled White feminist.

MUST READ: Patricia Arquette Clarifies Her Oscar Acceptance Speech Call For Wage Equality

While, we don’t think that Patricia was necessarily wrong for calling on allies, one Black gay man YouTuber named Gazi Kodzo has broken down why wage equality might not be the biggest struggle that Black women are facing right now. Not only that, but he pointed out ways in which the Black and gay communities have bolstered the feminist movement in the past as a reminder that these groups have been very active in the struggle for equality for everyone regardless of race, gender or sexual preference.

Touching on topics like police brutality, abductions, mental health, and their own poverty, Gazi had to let Patricia know that her $.22 on the White man’s dollar is taking a backseat. The way he delivered the message might cause some people to sip their tea and giggle, but he definitely brought up some serious issues that Black women face.

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Black Gay Man Tells Patricia Arquette Why Black Women May Not Have Time For Wage Equality Right Now  was originally published on