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Why was a man in Colorado critically injured when he dropped a lit cigarette down the front of his jacket and jumped out of his vehicle to avoid getting burned…. then he was run over by his own vehicle?


Funk Datt    Cigarettes…. man…..


Why did a candidate for the US Senate in South Carolina break up with his baby’s mama on Facebook… she appears on the Bravo Show “Southern Charm” and reportedly would not take time away from the show to help clear up an issue with him….


Funk Datt    They just got all their business on Blast!!!!


Why has bullying gone to a different level… Why did 2 African boys in New York get bullied, beaten and called Ebola…  The boys are new to the school and only speak French… and this is the way they get welcomed to the US….


Funk Datt      Bullying is Not Hot!!! How are you gonna just call somebody Ebola…..


Why did a teen in California’s Bay area… steal Jewelry, 2 guns and 500 pair of women’s underwear….. When police found him, he was riding a skateboard with 5 pair of panties stuffed in his pants…  just like the dude Tyrese played in Baby Boy… except he had a bike and sold that French stuff….


Funk Datt     He told the cops to go ahead and search the house…. anywhere except the bedroom….  DUH!!!


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